
Fanout targets are selected on a transaction basis. Meaning that, for each transaction to be relayed, a subset of our peers is selected for fanout, while the rest would be used for transaction reconciliation. The fanout candidate selection can be done at two stages of the transaction relay process:

Our current implementation follows the former, since it is easier to reason about transaction dependencies during transaction scheduling, however, at relay time it should be easier to adapt to fanout candidates already knowing about the target transaction, and potentially swap candidates so the desired fanout rate can be achieved. For a more extensive explanation of both approaches, check Choosing fanout peers at relay scheduling time and Choosing fanout peers at transaction relay time.


To simulate the difference between both approaches, a new branch has been created in the simulator where the decision making is done at transaction relay time instead of at relay scheduling time. The new branch gets rid of the delayed_set for Erlay peers in their TxReconciliationState, and all transaction are kept in to_be_announced until relay time, where they would be picked for fanout or reconciliation based on get_fanout_targets. Since this process happens on a peer basis, fanout targets are now cached, so the same selection can be used for all peers of a given node for a given transaction.

In order to simulate this we will use a randomly generated network containing 110000 nodes, 10000 reachable, 100000 unreachable with 8 outbounds per node, all of them implementing Erlay. The simulation can be run using the code at ‣.


The result of this simulation is that there is no significant difference between selecting peers at scheduling time or relay time. It is worth noting that this is likely derived from using a full Erlay network, and results may vary if simulated in networks with partial support.

Here are the results of running our simulation in our reference model, that is, a network of the aforementioned characteristics selecting fanout candidates at scheduling time:

2024-12-20T22:12:59.431Z INFO  [hyper_lib::simulator] Using user provided rng seed: 5831067508548421759
2024-12-20T22:12:59.438Z INFO  [hyper_lib::network] Creating nodes (110000: 10000 reachable, 100000 unreachable)
2024-12-20T22:12:59.568Z INFO  [hyperion] The simulation will be run 100 times and results will be averaged
2024-12-20T22:17:42.069Z INFO  [hyper_lib] Transaction reached 90% of nodes in the network in 20.764025s
2024-12-20T22:17:42.069Z INFO  [hyper_lib] Transaction reached all nodes in 28.108896s
2024-12-20T22:17:42.069Z INFO  [hyper_lib] Reachable nodes sent/received 222.2216/369.73523 messages (715.59644/1069.915 bytes) (avg)
2024-12-20T22:17:42.069Z INFO  [hyper_lib] Unreachable nodes sent/received 32.36946/17.618101 messages (94.462814/59.03094 bytes) (avg)

And the same simulation run now in our updated model, selecting fanout peers at relay time:

2024-12-20T22:34:03.686Z INFO  [hyper_lib::simulator] Using user provided rng seed: 5831067508548421759
2024-12-20T22:34:03.694Z INFO  [hyper_lib::network] Creating nodes (110000: 10000 reachable, 100000 unreachable)
2024-12-20T22:34:03.826Z INFO  [hyperion] The simulation will be run 100 times and results will be averaged
2024-12-20T22:39:01.915Z INFO  [hyper_lib] Transaction reached 90% of nodes in the network in 20.655256s
2024-12-20T22:39:01.915Z INFO  [hyper_lib] Transaction reached all nodes in 28.008577s
2024-12-20T22:39:01.915Z INFO  [hyper_lib] Reachable nodes sent/received 221.15518/367.86584 messages (715.5273/1068.999 bytes) (avg)
2024-12-20T22:39:01.915Z INFO  [hyper_lib] Unreachable nodes sent/received 32.20926/17.538193 messages (94.39123/59.044044 bytes) (avg)

Finally, here are both simulations as a csv for easier comparison:
